Monday, 29 June 2009

Pentangulation – An Explanation: #ThePowerOf5…

…is a 21st Century Business Technology concept involving the “crafting” of Social Media to provide a Corporation, Company or Small Business with:-

1. A rapid, credible, online presence amongst it’s peers, customers and prospects;

2. A policy of turning strangers into friends – the best customers are friends NOT strangers, and that goes for the best businesses too!

3. Customers, and prospective customers, who will value a direct method of communication with their supplier, and the best channels they could wish for in achieving this (the ones they’re already in!);

4. Coaching in Social Media – the Do’s, the Don’ts & what it's all about;

5. Set up, and handover, or ongoing management, as preferred to suit the needs of the business.

Application of this concept incorporates Marketing, Lead Generation, Brand, Reputation, & Presence Management and Customer Retention. This approach is more about an overall “Communications Policy” than purely “Social Media”

All this is set in the context of a New Economy, post 2008, where transparency, openness and reduced complexity are prime requirements for commercial efficiency.

In addition, an element biased towards enhanced Customer Care, ensures that New Business gains a truly Win-Win result for all components of the transaction process.

The "Social Media" are here to stay – they continue to evolve with every day that goes by – and with such a wide selection available they now provide a reliable, affordable online method of reaching, and engaging with, buyers, customers or prospects.

Can you afford NOT to get involved? With some of your competitors there already, they are gaining the early mover advantage right now!

The New World demands New Ways - for improved Communication, Marketing Support, Delivery, and Customer Response.

ThePowerOf5 offers Win-Win hands down!

“Strangers & Friends” as recognised by Seth Godin @ The Difference

Howard J Moorey

28th June 2009

“ThePowerOf5” is derived from the pentagram invocation of Spirit, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire for recognising earth energies and summoning them to combine for protection and greater good – strength in numbers.

From within this ancient practice comes the recognition that we, as humans, can better understand and absorb concepts and systems if they are first broken down into just five elements which, when combined, encapsulate the whole and represent the basis of achieving greater leverage from harmonising individual, but complementary, strengths.

At Hojomo Group, we offer ThePowerOf5 through affordable, face-to-face coaching and induction, or remote online set-up and deployment, to suit the individual circumstances. This ensures that we can tailor the offer to suit small & medium (“compact”) businesses, operating from one location, or larger corporate enterprises with multiple, national or international, locations, with widely deployed field forces.

MOOREY – where Business & Internet Overlap!

1 comment:

  1. I've given you an award on our website today! I only found your blog this week, via twitter; but I understand if passing awards around isn't really your thing.

    Have a lovely weekend;

    Mrs Green from
