Howard J Moorey January 21st, 2009
7 DIRECT Business Benefits to be Gained from Joining & Using Twitter
The principle of a new “Feminine” Economy took a great step forward with the Inauguration of Barack Obama.
One of the fundamental cornerstones is Networking to build business, create new ventures & new jobs.
You can Network Online and Offline, in 2D & 3D you might say.
Social Networking, through Twitter and Facebook, amongst others, is drawing a great deal of attention around the globe, and it can play a part in development of both new and existing small to medium enterprises.
I had a meeting yesterday with a Network Associate, and he asked for some” Twitter Clarity” – “What are the direct small biz benefits to be gained from Twitter?” he asked.
So here they are:-
1.2009 is, without doubt, the Year of Brand YOU! Twitter is a PROMOTIONAL TOOL.
You need to seize a niche and make it your own – publicise yourself AND your business as one in the same. Prove that YOU can be a reliable source of factual, accurate, information about YOUR business topic.
There is no better way to do that than via Twitter!
This promotion MUST be low key (NOT “in yer face”), and remember, it puts you right in the Global Marketplace, not just a localised, 3D, one!
2.Twitter is an immensely valuable NETWORKING TOOL.
Use Twittersearch (just Google it) to find others who are interested in YOUR subject. It will find those who are talking about it right now, or who mention it in their “Bio” (immensely important to complete this when you set up your account, but you can always go back & tweak it later).
When you’ve found them, FOLLOW them – create your own Online network - watch what they’re talking about – you can always Unfollow them later. When you have got a feel for them, feel free to drop in a comment – if it’s sensible, or adds value, they will respect you as knowing something about the subject, and will most likely respond, and draw you into the conversation. Make new friends, inside AND outside the 3D setting, all around the World!
3.Twitter is an immensely valuable RESEARCH TOOL.
At least some of those people you follow may be online much more than you, and will be finding, and broadcasting, blogs/articles/comments/other “Tweeps” (Twitter Folk) that are worth knowing about, and YOU might never have known about!
Plus, you can again use Twittersearch to look for other current topics, or, indeed, a field you want to find out more about, including the people you may want to deal with/sell to!
Once you have your Twitter Network established, you can always put a question out to them, individually or globally, and see if you get a response.
4.Twitter can be a useful 3D COMMUNICATIONS TOOL.
Keep the promotion subtle, just show you enjoy your time in 3D, or it’s an invaluable resource for your business (preferably both!).
Announce meetings, upcoming or just attended, and what you may have learnt there, or, indeed, new Tweeps you have connected with there!
THE BIG PLUS is that when you are following someone, and they are following you, then you can also send them “Direct Messages” which are Private & non-public – if you know someone is online, it can be a much faster/easier way of making a quick comment, asking a question, or booking an event!
5.Twitter can be a great TOOL TO BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE too!
The more you learn, through points 2 & 3 above, the more you get to keep up to the minute on events and developments in your chosen area – you can find things out NOW, not next week or next month when your find them in newspapers or magazines!
Some of the people you follow could become your “Thought Leaders” – people who Blog about things that are EXACTLY in line with you own interests, and may even be at the cutting edge.
6.Twitter can be a NEW BUSINESS TOOL.
The new connections you make could lead you to new deals, joint ventures, business events, etc that would never have been possible in the “Old Days” (when you were not connected!)
7.Twitter can be FUN too – just like 4N – see it as 50% Business & 50% Social!
You can keep up with the local Gossip & Soap Operas, or maybe even set up your own!
Or you can banter with other Networkers around the country, or in your own group.
MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE is YOU! Use it as part of YOUR Marketing Mix.
It’s up to YOU what you make of it, but I trust the above will help you get the most from this FREE resource.
Use a free tool, TWEETDECK, to keep track of the above.
If you need to know more, or need help with set up,
email me:
twitter @hojomo
Our 3D solution in the UK is
Most of all keep talking & networking to get yourself a new job, new contract or a new business!
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